Microparticulation Plant (Spiral Wound Membranes & MP Unit)

Microparticulation is a well proven technology offering a wide range of opportunities for modern dairy processing.

Microparticulation Plant (Spiral Wound Membranes & MP Unit)

Highlights and application:
Microparticulation is a well proven technology offering a wide range of opportunities for modern dairy processing.
The MP system is characterised by:
-Improved product quality
-Increased yield of cheese line
-Product innovation

Advantages of Dvn Makina system:
The main advantages of our MP systems are as follows:
-Well defined and flexible process
-Heat recovery up to 80%
-No homogenize is required and hence the system

will be cost effective and less energy is required:
-Fast return of investment

Typical applications of MP systems within the Dairy Industry are as follows:
-Semi hard cheeses such as Gouda, Edam, Camembert and Swiss type cheese
-Camembert and Brie type of cheese
-Hard cheeses such as CheddarProcess cheeses such as
spreadable cheese, Burger
- Cheese
-Ice cream mix
-Fermented products such as Yoghurt, Drink yoghurt, desserts etc.
-soft cheese such as Cream cheese, quark, Labneh, Mascarpone etc.

Microparticulation Plant (Spiral Wound Membranes & MP Unit)

Comparison of Edam cheese produced by normal process and MP method

Comparison of Edam cheese produced by normal process and MP method

Comparison of Edam cheese produced by normal process and MP method

Pictures of Whey, WPC and Lean Cream

Pictures of Whey, WPC and Lean Cream

Lean Cream

Input whey

Lean Cream

WPC (Whey Protein Concentrate)

Lean Cream

Lean Cream


MP Unit can include the following options:
-Automatic CIP dosing unit
-Automatic flow control system (Frequency controller system on the feed pump and homogenizer as well as flow meters)
-Ultrafiltration plant (To reach WPC 60)
-Extended holding unit
-UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply)
-Air cooler for Control Pane


MP unit usually includes the following components:
-Closed balance tank including level transmitter and CIP device
-Positive displacement feed pump
-CIP bypass pump
-FSN Plate Heat Exchanger including heating,regenerations and cooling sections.
-FSN shear agglomerator (SSHE) including heating, cooling
-Set of holding tube
-Two sets of hot water unit including Brazed plate heat exchanger, pump, steam control valve, steam trap,
expansion chamber, shut off valves, air vent, safety valve,etc.
-Shear mixer
-Stainless steel control panel including PLC, HMI, power supply, solenoid valves, motor starters etc.
-Automatic diversion valve
-Set of change over valves
-Set of shut off valves for water balance tank, ice water etc.
-Set of instruments such as temperature and pressure transmitters.
-Set of pipes and fittings
-All of the MP units are water tested in our factory before delivery
-The MP Unit Panel/Programme ensures the following are realized:
1-Automatic operational sequence
2-Automatic agglomeration temperature control (PID controller)
3-Automaitc product circulation when agglomeration temperature guard is activated
4-Automatic process interaction with Up and down stream equipment such as feed pump, final storage tank etc.
5-Recording SSHE output temperature and output temperature as long as long as the memory of HMI allows it

Simplified Flowdiagram

Microparticulation Plant Simplified Flowdiagram