-Inner shell in acid proof stainless steel AISI for high acid
-Steam reducing valve set
-Agitators with special seal including steam barrier for agitator
-Air compressor with air cooler and compressed air tank
Control room solution/SCADA
-Dvn Makina Tubular Heat Exchanger including heating, regenerations
and cooling sections.
-Holding tubes (Mounted as a sub unit on frame)
-Pressurized hot water unit including Brazed plate heat exchanger, pump, steam control valve, steam trap, expansion
chamber, shut off valves, air vent, safety valve, water
Electromagnetic flow transmitter, expansion chamber, etc.
-Stainless steel control panel including PLC, HMI, power supply,
solenoid valves, motor starters etc.
-Automatic diversion valve
-Set of change over valves
-Set of shut off valves for water balance tank, ice water etc.
-Set of instruments such as temperature and pressure transmitters.
-Set of pipes and fittings
-Constant pressure valve
-All of the UHT plants are tested in our factory before delivery
-The UHT Panel/Programme ensures the following steps
realized to ensure sterilization is realized properly:
-Pre sterilization
-Aseptic intermediate cleaning
Before production starts, it is necessary to sterilize the aseptic
area by circulating pressurized hot water in the system In the
tubular version, the aseptic part is equipped with an internal
sterilization loop to minimize energy consumption and start
up time. After sterilization, the unit is cooled to product temperature. Finally, the sterile water is circulated through the
production unit.
UHT Plant can include the following options:
-Automatic CIP dosing unit
-Electromagnetic flow transmitter on the return line to sort mix
-Non-standard Layout
-UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply)
-Air cooler for Control Pane